Monday, May 15, 2006


No, I didn't cook a extinct animal for dinner last night.

Although I prefer to keep this blog cooking related, I sure haven't been doing much of cooking of interest due to a busy end of the semester for school and my new running interval training. So I thought I'd give you a little taste of what I've been up to lately - well, a taste of the fun stuff. On Friday night, AC and I went to Black Cat, our favorite local concert spot, to see one of his latest obsessions, Pinback. We usually do a little research on the opening band but somehow managed to show up to the concert having little knowledge about what we were about to experience. In short, Pleaseeasaur is freaking ridiculous. The stage was set-up with a little tinsel curtain sandwiched between two projection screens which did not seem anything out of ordinary. Usually, for acoustic set-ups, they might block off the rest of the stage in order to have the other band set-up behind the divider. But no, this was purely there to assist in Pleaseeasaur's gimmick. Basically, a guy named JP Hasson leaps through the tinsel curtains in one ridiculous outfit after another and spews out stupid lyrics for songs titled "Bowl Noodle Hot", "I Hate Dog Shit", "Beef Flavored Island", "Pizza Bros. and Sons Inc." and "No Prob Limo ". The songs are accompanied by graphics from old coloring books in some cases animated by a dude in a booth in the back which correspond with the hard hitting issues of the song. I can't say it wasn't entertaining. It definitely took my mind off the term paper I should have been writing that night...but seriously, I really question the sanity of anyone over the age of 8 who would actually buy their DVD or CD. I thought that Pleaseeasaur got the gig of opening for Pinback because he was one of band member's crazy and clingy brother but no...these guys actually have a multi-album deal with Comedy Central!

Stay tuned...I'm making a South Beach phase 1 friendly meal for a friend tonight who is on week 2 of the diet. Perhaps, I'll be sporting a Pleaseeasaur Pizza Apron :)


ami said...

Yikes! At least you had something to laugh about - that band does seem pretty ridiculous!

Curt Sawyer said...

Didn't Andy look a lot like that back in his band days?

JC said...

I hear that he did sport a lot of spandex back in the day. :) ha ha..

Actually, he remarked that the music was kind of like one of Steve's projects...but of course, Steve, your music was tons better. If you had persisted, you probably could have a contract with comedy central as well!

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