Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Dinner with Friends

Oops, I forgot to post this!

My story begins with my first friend in Northern VA when I moved here about 4 years go. SMC was one of the people in my initial training for work at the PTO and we clicked pretty instantly. Sadly, he moved to Kentucky a little more than a year ago with his insanely adorable son and lovely wife. It sounds like they have a really good life there so I'm happy for them despite my occasional secret hopes they realize how much they miss it here and drive back one night and move back :) ha ha. I'm happy to say that we've done a good job of keeping each other up-to-date about our lives - especially in regards to food :) SMC messsaged me the other day and told me how he recently decided to start up a group which would meet weekly with some people from his church to discuss various religious/ethical topics. He stressed that, although the formal discussion was important, he also wanted to have everyone work on a project together in order for everyone to get to know each other and get some friendships blooming. He thought cooking would be a great mechanism to achieve this and, as a result, they would have a tasty meal to eat once the meeting gets rolling. So here's my contribution to some soup/stew recipes for his new group. Maybe some other people might want to check these out? My suggestion for the simpler soups/stews is to have a group work on the soup/stew, another group prepare a bread and another group a simple salad. SMC, let us know if you find any other tasty stew/soup recipes since those winter months are just around the corner!

I think you should be able to click on each of the pictures and print from your web browser to get a full page recipe.



Scott M. Collins said...

I'm honored! Thanks for taking the work out of our first few weeks! I'll keep you updated :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen,
Just a comment to say hi! I finally set up bloglines so now I will actually read everyone's blog regularly : ))

Anonymous said...

I could use a little Collins family visit too! maybe we should drive out there one crazy weekend?