Sunday, January 22, 2006

Why have I joined in on blog mania?

It seems like nowadays everyone has a blog. Some will post about their daily adventures (or more like mundane details of their lives) and others post about the passions of their lives. I really would rather not post boring drivel day after day and instead mainly focus on one topic that I'm really passionate about – cooking. I think the first dish that made me realize my budding love for cooking was a lasagna made in the kitchen of my dorm in college. My roomie and I were tired of eating cake and ice cream for dinner with an occasional waffle in-between so we decided to pool our resources and make a real dinner. I realized that cooking can be fun and rewarding and it is very possible to make something that is multiple times more tasty than something you can get a local restaurant. I must admit I've gotten a lot snobbier about cooking since then so you probably won't see too many lasagna recipes on this site. I personally love cooking all sorts of cuisine but I mainly focus on dishes from Central and South America. I am always searching for a new twist on a traditional recipe and I'm not afraid to try a new, exotic ingredient. I tend to follow recipes but I'm trying to work on my cooking creativity. So that's where this blog comes into play. I want to discuss what I'm cooking, talk about my personal variations on recipes and my experiences related to cooking. What I'm asking from you is feedback and lots of it. So if anyone has a cool new recipe to share or tell me that posted recipe could benefit from more or less fill-in-the-blank, post a comment or email me. I want to use this blog as a learning tool but also as a means to share recipes and cooking experiences among friends.

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