Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Not Such a Novel Idea

I don't know if jealousy is quite the correct term but I'm definitely envious.

Yet another Patent Examiner's cooking blog

I don't know if I should hate her and her perfect photography or meet her and borrow her camera. :)


ami said...

Hate her for a short while. And then try learning her photography secrets! I'm surprised that there are TWO patent examiners with cooking blogs :)

sangeet said...

I concur with ami, definitely start with hating her ;) Just wanted to pop in and say hi. I still haven't started cooking, but I love reading your posts and drooling over your pictures!

Anonymous said...

I think your pictures are very delectable.

I find it very odd that there are 2 patent examiners with cooking blogs. I would have never guessed! Her blog is more like sharing with the world. Like she wants to be a person on the Food Network. Yours is more like for your friends to share recipes on. So, they are the same, but different.

JC said...

Thanks, girls :)

I know tons of people have cooking blogs out there but it was pretty crazy to find another examiner. Becky randomly found her site while she was reading other blogs and passed it on. My main intention is to share my experiences with friends but a little tiny part of me would love to becoming the next Rachel Ray (hmm..or maybe some other chef with a respectable list of achievements). But thanks for all the nice comments...it makes me feel not so inferior :)

JC said...

duh! I can't believe I forgot about him. I really do admire his scientific approach to cooking and I even find his dorky humor to be so adorable. We met him at a book signing a few years ago in ATL and he was even cooler in person. Ok, I would like to be him - minus being a guy and all. :)

JC said...

I'm sure you'll be more tempted to cook once life settles down a bit. Plus, you are capable of making food that is so much healthier and tastier than any restaurant can make. Plus, you are so skilled you even make tofu taste good...you're the only person who's done that for me :)

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed Margo's cooking at the bridal shower!

If you're interested in the scientific side of cooking, there are some good baker's books with a lot of science involved:
The Cake Bible
The Pie Bible

They have a huge range of recipes for all skill levels. I would put myself at skill level "Advanced/Intermediate" in baking, but there are some really "Intermediate" or "Expert" recipes in those books that I don't even have an interest in trying. Personally, I like baking rather than cooking so it's more interesting to me, but there are probably cooking ones like that also. I also read Giada's cookbook when I was at a B&B in Vermont and there were some really great easy recipes.

Unknown said...

Photography secret #1 -- place food by window with light coming in or on your deck (though don't put it in direct sunlight -- evenly-lit bright shade works best).

Secret #2 -- Shoot without flash and use wider apertures (f4 or 5.6...2.8 will have too much out of focus).

Secret #3 -- use a tripod.

Secret #4 -- experiment with points of view

Secret #5 -- identify patterns (see the kiwi tart on her site)

There, you're all set to shoot for Cooking Light, all you need now is an 8x10 sheet film camera.

Her blog is overwrought sanctimonious bullpoop. Keep up your good work.

Nevkil said...

-S is right. (tripod, window, low iso, f4) Some if it subject to the camera of course, but i know what you have.

But I don't see anything special about her photos to be honest. The truffle potatoes, 1st Rosemary salmon, and the rest of the photos are drivel. I believe she got lucky with the 2nd salmon shot and 2nd Kiwi tart shot.

And as an avid F-Network watcher, RR has hit a wall. AB is my boy. Has anybody else seen those commercial spots with RR where she looks (and sounds) like she lives on 140$ a day?

ami said...

Nevkil, you're soooo right about RR now. I have seen those commercials. Of course, I love AB the best. There is this lady that is on sometimes who talks about making meals on Sunday for the rest of the week - Robin Miller. Anyway, she's being all Rachel Ray lately with all the hand/body movements and getting too excited about her food. Bleh.